Events Calendar

Thomas Point Shoal Lighthouse Celebrates 150 Years of Service by John Potvin

Annapolis Maritime Museum 723 Second st., Annapolis, United States

The Thomas Point Shoal lighthouse, guiding mariners since 1875, marks its 150th anniversary in 2025.

The history includes significant events like the grounding of a British warship in 1812 and battles during the Oyster Wars.

John Potvin will cover its history, preservation efforts, and lessons learned, featuring photos by David Sites.


A Reckless Night, A Path to Freedom: The Royal Navy on the Chesapeake in 1814, Presenter Dave Gendell

Annapolis Maritime Museum 723 Second st., Annapolis, United States

Author David Gendell tells the story of the HMS Menelaus on the Chesapeake in 1814, including a failed raid that led to the death of a top Royal Navy captain.

The frigate later played a key role in helping dozens of enslaved people escape from the Annapolis area.

Gendell unpacks this dramatic chapter of history involving both disaster and freedom.


Resilience in Practice: Adapting to Sea Level Rise at AMM, Presenter Cameron Ramey

Annapolis Maritime Museum 723 Second st., Annapolis, United States

Stantec representative, Cameron Ramey, will discuss Sea Level Rise (SLR) planning at the Annapolis Maritime Museum.

The focus will be on "resilience in practice" at the community, resident, and industry levels.

Ramey will highlight key Sea Level Rise-related projects


50 Years on the Chesapeake Art Show

Annapolis Maritime Museum 723 Second st., Annapolis, United States

The Annapolis Watercolor Club Celebrates its 50th anniversary this year and the AMM is proud to host the first of several exhibitions in honor of the event. Come see gorgeous work from a variety of local artist's celebrating local landmarks, wildlife, and ways of life.

$5 – $7